Publisher Note

Sue Williamson's development as an artist- activist is linked with her identity as a white South African engaged in the struggle against apartheid. Her V1Sl0n of a just society, based upon the free movement and interaction of all peoples within a nation and t heir right to equa l politica l representation, evolved during the five yea rs she spent in the United States in the 1960's. When she returned to South Africa, she found i t hard to accept how separate the two races were. What is most extraordinary about Sue Williamson is that she forged her vision and' subsequent po liti cal experiences into an artistic statement that has a significant impact upon black and white South Africans and now within the international community. In a personal interview Sue Williamson told me she believes "Art can certainly create the kind of awareness in people that is a necessary precondition to change. That is why most artists are a critical part of any society . particularly one like South Africa

Release Place Johannesburg, South Africa
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Artist: Sue Williamson
ISBN-13: 9788857228679
Subform Photobook
Topics Current Events, Society, South Africa
Methods Photography
Language English
Dimensions 28.0 × 24.0 × 2.0 cm
Pages 256
Technique Offset