Images on edcat

General information about images on edcat

By uploading images to edcat you agree that the image meets one of the following requirements:

Image is Public Domain (expired copyright or public from inception).

You own the rights to the image and agree to make it available via a CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license.

You own the rights to the image and allow the use on edcat with your copyright credits.

Image is already made available through a CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license.

Fair Use – any image representing a physical product (e.g. cover image, cover art, blurb, packaging, sample spread)


Step-by-step guide for editing images

Quick instruction on how to add or delete images on edcat items.

1. Go to "edit item"


2. Click on "Images" in the left sidebar to go to the image section


3. Click on "Add Image" to upload a new image or click on the "X" Button to delete the respective image.
