Art Book Fair

Friends with Books: Art Book Fair Berlin 2016

Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin

Dec. 9th – 11th 2016

Friends with Books: Art Book Fair Berlin 2016 takes place on the weekend of December 9–11, 2016, at Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin as Europe’s premier event for contemporary artists’ books and periodicals by artists and art publishers. Featuring 160+ international participants and a series of public programmes: discussions, readings, presentations, performances, and art works that explore the perimeters of today’s art publishing. Admission is free.

The public programmes series Are You Friends with Books...? features lectures, performances, conversations, and panel discussions presented in partnership with Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art: Defne Ayas; GAGARIN – The Artists in Their Own Words: Wilfried Huet and Olaf Nicolai; Broken Dimanche Press: John Holten and Jonathan Monk; Sternberg Press: Lou Cantor and Ariane Müller (Starship); DHL – Drucken Heften Laden: Uwe Sonnenberg and Christian Berkes (botopress), Jörg Franzbecker and Heimo Lattner (Berliner Hefte), Achim Lengerer (Scriptings), Yves Mettler (Zeitschrift), Janine Sack (A Book Edition), and Simon Worthington (Mute); Salon Verlag & Edition: Gerhard Theewen (Salon) with Karin Sander; Camera Austria International: Stefanie Seufert and Reinhard Braun; Edition Patrick Frey: Daniela Comani and Doron Sadja; brumaria: Darío Corbeira, Jorge Miñano, Miguel Ángel Rego and Hugo López-Castrillo, and others.

The temporary exhibition, it is this flash itself that seduces, explores pleasures inspired by texts and images from books, with artworks on view by Bettina Allamoda, Marc Bijl, Beni Bischof, Brian Kennon, and Jasper Sebastian Stürup, and a performance by Discoteca Flaming Star.

Also on view are solo installations by recent artists-in-residence at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson and Lewis & Taggart/The Museum of Longing and Failure.

The annual Friends with Books Poster Editions by Berlin artists features a new poster edition by Monica Bonvicini; 25 of each edition are signed and numbered and benefit Friends with Books at a special offer. Additionally, Erik Steinbrecher has created a new edition to benefit Friends with Books, SCREW, 2016, bronze, edition 5.

Friends with Books is a non-profit organisation founded in 2014 offering greater visibility to contemporary artists’ books and art publications, including an annual art book fair, public programming, and partnerships with art organisations and institutions, facilitating the engagement of diverse audiences with the book works of artists and publishers worldwide.

Organizer Friends with Books e.V.
Curators Savannah Gorton, Vanessa Adler
Address Invalidenstraße 50-51, 10557 Berlin, Germany

Participating Publishers

Participating Publishers

1908 editions by participating artists and publishers on edcat

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