Art Book Fair
Le salon du livre et de la revue d'art
Le festival de l’histoire de l’art
Jun. 3rd – 5th 2022
A book fair is like a bookstore, a garden or a game board: it is a representation of the world in miniature.
We have two stories about the castle as a place for art history and the art of storytelling. First The Castle of Crossed Destinies by Italo Calvino.
Several people who do not know each other meet at the table in a castle, and while each wishes to tell the others their story, each is struck dumb. A tarot game allows them to remedy this sudden incapacity by combining the very narrative images of the playing cards. The second story is not in a book. Nathalie grew up in Fontainebleau where her parents ran the L’Impérial café. The cellar of the café communicated with the cellars of the castle, and Nathalie spent her adolescence organizing clandestine evenings in the castle, lighting barbecues, playing cards, playing games of love and friendship. She now teaches art history. These two stories tell the general orientation of the show this year: tell stories. Histories of art, stories of the “present of the past”, stories of the ever-changing present of current events: that of research, that of editorial creation. The fair exhibits the editorial production of knowledge in art history, understood both as a discipline within the human and social sciences, as a set of practices, methods and operations, but also as a “game of positions” by borrowing from the art historian Victor Claass the title of his essay on some painted billiards. The show exposes the positions that make the richness of editorial creation and research in art history. It also exhibits this production by placing it in the broader field of material history, social sciences and life sciences, the history of the body and sensibilities and by opening it up to other areas of creation. : literature, performing arts, comics, youth. Art is considered from the angle of its reception and its uses, by questioning the modes of distribution, narration and consumption of images.
The general scenography of the show: i.e. a large square marquee of 30 meters per side, subdivided into four cardinal zones. Each area is occupied in its center by a guest bookstore stand presenting a thematic assortment, the rest of the space being occupied by the stands held by the publishing houses, distributed by links and affinities. At the center of the fair are invited to speak a succession of researchers, publishers and publishers, actors and actresses of the history of art and associated fields, starting from the question :
” What is your position ? “After two years of distance between book and research professionals, audiences and institutions, we are celebrating the reunion of all the stakeholders in the history of art.
Alexis Argyroglo, curator of the book and art magazine fair
Organizer |
Curator |
Website | festivaldelhistoiredelart.fr |
Address | Château de Fontainebleau, Fontainebleau, France |