Art Book Fair
New York Art Book Fair 2019
Sep. 19th – 22nd 2019
Printed Matter presents the fourteenth annual NY Art Book Fair, from September 20 – 22, 2019, at MoMA PS1, Long Island City, Queens. The preview will be held on the evening of Thursday, September 19.
Organizer |
Website | printedmatterartbookfairs.org |
Address | New York, NY, United States of America |
Participating Artists
Participating Publishers
- 2nd Cannons Publications
- 303inPrint
- 8-ball Community
- A/B Books
- ABC [Artists’ Books Cooperative]
- Aint-Bad
- Akio Nagasawa Gallery I Publishing
- Alder & Frankia
- Alicia’s Klassic Kool Shoppe
- Allied Productions, Inc.
- Almighty & Insane Books
- Almine Rech Editions
- Alternate Projects
- Anartist
- Andrew Roth
- Animal Press
- Antenna
- Antenne Books Ltd.
- Anthology Editions
- Anthology Film Archives
- Aperture
- Arcangel Surfware
- Archive Books
- Art Metropole
- Art Paper Editions
- Artforum
- Arthur Fournier Fine & Rare
- Atelier Éditions
- Autonomedia
- Aventures Ltd. Press
- BBruno
- BOMB Magazine
- Bard Graduate Center Publications
- Basement
- Batt Coop
- Bergen Art Book Fair
- Biel Books
- Bitter
- Black Chalk & Co.
- Blank Forms
- Blum & Poe
- Boabooks
- Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
- Bombshelltoe
- Boo-Hooray
- Bookforum
- Booklyn Inc.
- Brain Washing from Phone Towers
- Bywater Bros. Editions
- Calipso Press
- Can Can Press
- Candor Arts
- Candystore
- Capricious
- Case Publishing
- Cash Machine
- Catalogue Library
- Charlene Man
- Children’s Museum of the Arts
- Chose Commune
- Christopher Kardambikis and Paper Cuts
- Cold Cube Press
- Colophon Foundry
- Colour Code
- Coloured Publishing
- Colpa
- Commune
- Connecticut
- Conveyor Editions
- Corraini Edizioni
- Creative Time
- Cybernetics Library
- Dale Zine
- Dancing Foxes Press
- Danilo Montanari Editore
- Dashwood Books
- Datz Press
- David Zwirner Books
- Deadbeat Club
- DelMonico Books
- DesapÊ
- Desert Island
- Dia Art Foundation
- Distanz Verlag
- District of Columbia
- Division Leap
- Dizzy Magazine
- Draw Down Books
- Drittel Books
- Dutch Independent Art Book Publishers (DIABP)
- EAI (Electronic Arts Intermix)
- ECAL/University of Art & Design Lausanne
- EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop
- Edition Fink
- Edition Patrick Frey
- Edition Taube
- Empire Books
- Endless Editions
- Exitstencil Press
- Extra Vitamins
- Extrapool
- F Magazine
- Façadomy
- Fillip
- Fine Arts @ School of Visual Arts
- Fitzcarraldo Editions
- Flatfix.biz
- Flint Magazine
- Florida
- Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
- Fukt Magazine
- Fully Booked
- Futurepoem Books
- Gagosian Gallery
- Galeria Jaqueline Martins
- Gato Negro Ediciones
- GenderFail
- Ginger
- GirlStories
- Gloria Glitzer
- Gnomic Book
- Gold Rain
- Gost Books
- Gravel Projects
- Gregory R. Miller & Co.
- Half Letter Press
- Halifax INK
- Hardworking Goodlooking
- Harper’s Books
- Hassla
- Hat & Beard Press
- Hauser & Wirth Publishers
- Hesse Press
- Homie House Press
- Howard Greenberg Gallery
- Idea Books
- Image Text Ithaca
- Impractical Labor (ILSSA)
- Ink Cap Press
- Instantes Gráficos
- Interference Archive
- Inventory Press
- Irrelevant Press
- Issue Press
- J. S. Wright and U.D.L.I. Editions
- Jean Boîte Éditions
- Jiazazhi
- Jo Rosenthal & Friends
- Jungle Books
- Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative
- Kaph Books
- Karma
- Kayrock Screenprinting
- Knowledge Editions
- Knust Press
- Kodoji Press
- Komiyama Tokyo
- Kris Graves Projects
- La Chamba Press
- Lagon Revue
- Le Petit Versailles
- Letter16 Press
- Libraryman
- Lisson Gallery
- Little Big Man Books
- Little Mountain Press
- Loose Joints
- Lugemik
- Lévy Gorvy
- L’Artiere
- MATTE Magazine
- MIT Press
- Maamoul Press
- Mack
- Mamco
- Marcus Campbell Art Books
- Marian Goodman Gallery
- Martian Press
- Matthew Marks Gallery
- Mega Press/Panayiotis Terzis
- Memory Foam
- Miniature Garden
- Montez Press
- Mousse Publishing
- Mörel Books
- NYPL Picture Collection
- Naranja Publicaciones
- New Documents
- Nico Fontana
- Nieves
- Night Diver Press
- Nordic Art Press (NAP)
- Novia Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD)
- Onomatopee
- Ooga Booga
- Open Projects Press
- Optimo
- Oranbeg Press
- Other Forms
- Other Publishing
- Outer Space Press
- PHILE Magazine
- POP3
- PPP Editions
- Pace Gallery
- Pacific
- Palm* Studios
- Paper Chase Press
- Paper Crown Press
- Paper Machine
- Paper Monument
- Papertown, Nuts! & Dripper
- Passenger Pigeon Press
- Paul Zelevansky
- Pegacorn Press
- Peradam Press
- Perfectly Acceptable Press
- Perimeter Editions
- Petzel Gallery
- Pinups
- Pioneer Works Press
- Plum Press
- PogoBooks
- Point Line Projects
- Point of Contact
- Polygon Gallery
- Pomegranate Press
- Precog Magazine
- Press Press
- Primary Information
- Princeton Architectural Press
- PrintRoom
- Printed Matter, Inc. Rare & OP
- RE/Search and Search & Destroy
- ROMA Publications
- RRD - Red de Reproducción y Distribución
- RVB Books
- Rabbit Rabbit Press
- Rail Editions
- Raking Leaves
- Raw Meat Collective
- Research and Destroy New York City
- Robin N.
- Rorhof
- S U N
- SIlent Face Projects
- SPBH Editions
- Sammy Stein
- Seaton Street Press
- Secret Riso Club
- Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación Argentina
- Shelf Shelf
- Shelter Press
- Shifter Magazine
- Siam’s Guy Books
- Silent Sound
- Simple Project NY
- Sims Reed Ltd.
- Skinnerboox
- Sming Sming Books
- Snöar Press
- Soberscove Press
- Soft City
- Southern Type
- Space Sisters Press
- Spector Books
- Sternberg Press
- Sternthal Books
- Super Labo
- Sébastien Girard
- T&M Projects
- TBW Books
- TIS books
- TXTBooks
- Tan & Loose Press
- Temporary Services
- Terminal Ediciones
- Texte zur Kunst
- The Bettys
- The Free Black Women’s Library
- The Heavy Collective
- The Nice Magazine
- The Song Cave
- The White Review
- Three Fifty
- Three Star Books
- Tim Byers Art Books
- Tiny Splendor Press
- Tom of Finland Foundation
- Torpedo Press
- Tria Publishing Platform
- Triangle Books
- Trolley Books
- Ugly Duckling Presse
- Ulises
- United States (by state)
- Unity Press
- Unknown Unkowns
- Upon
- VSW Press
- Valiz
- Visual AIDS
- Void
- Water With Water
- Wendy’s Subway
- Werkplaats Typografie
- Westreich Wagner/Small Press
- White Columns
- Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art
- Witty Kiwi
- Wolfman Books
- Wonder
- World War 3 Illustrated
- Yale University Press
- Yes Press
- Yossi Milo
- Zatara Press
- Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
- Zucker Art Books
- blackprint edition
- bookdummypress
- crevasse
- dispersed holdings
- dmp editions
- frieze
- kurimanzutto libros & Alias
- n+1
- nos:books
- siglio
- the Eriskay Connection
- unbag
- Éditions B42
- Éditions Xavier Barral
- 本 \hon\ books
Participating Artists
Participating Publishers
- 2nd Cannons Publications
- 303inPrint
- 8-ball Community
- A/B Books
- ABC [Artists’ Books Cooperative]
- Aint-Bad
- Akio Nagasawa Gallery I Publishing
- Alder & Frankia
- Alicia’s Klassic Kool Shoppe
- Allied Productions, Inc.
- Almighty & Insane Books
- Almine Rech Editions
- Alternate Projects
- Anartist
- Andrew Roth
- Animal Press
- Antenna
- Antenne Books Ltd.
- Anthology Editions
- Anthology Film Archives
- Aperture
- Arcangel Surfware
- Archive Books
- Art Metropole
- Art Paper Editions
- Artforum
- Arthur Fournier Fine & Rare
- Atelier Éditions
- Autonomedia
- Aventures Ltd. Press
- BBruno
- BOMB Magazine
- Bard Graduate Center Publications
- Basement
- Batt Coop
- Bergen Art Book Fair
- Biel Books
- Bitter
- Black Chalk & Co.
- Blank Forms
- Blum & Poe
- Boabooks
- Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
- Bombshelltoe
- Boo-Hooray
- Bookforum
- Booklyn Inc.
- Brain Washing from Phone Towers
- Bywater Bros. Editions
- Calipso Press
- Can Can Press
- Candor Arts
- Candystore
- Capricious
- Case Publishing
- Cash Machine
- Catalogue Library
- Charlene Man
- Children’s Museum of the Arts
- Chose Commune
- Christopher Kardambikis and Paper Cuts
- Cold Cube Press
- Colophon Foundry
- Colour Code
- Coloured Publishing
- Colpa
- Commune
- Connecticut
- Conveyor Editions
- Corraini Edizioni
- Creative Time
- Cybernetics Library
- Dale Zine
- Dancing Foxes Press
- Danilo Montanari Editore
- Dashwood Books
- Datz Press
- David Zwirner Books
- Deadbeat Club
- DelMonico Books
- DesapÊ
- Desert Island
- Dia Art Foundation
- Distanz Verlag
- District of Columbia
- Division Leap
- Dizzy Magazine
- Draw Down Books
- Drittel Books
- Dutch Independent Art Book Publishers (DIABP)
- EAI (Electronic Arts Intermix)
- ECAL/University of Art & Design Lausanne
- EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop
- Edition Fink
- Edition Patrick Frey
- Edition Taube
- Empire Books
- Endless Editions
- Exitstencil Press
- Extra Vitamins
- Extrapool
- F Magazine
- Façadomy
- Fillip
- Fine Arts @ School of Visual Arts
- Fitzcarraldo Editions
- Flatfix.biz
- Flint Magazine
- Florida
- Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
- Fukt Magazine
- Fully Booked
- Futurepoem Books
- Gagosian Gallery
- Galeria Jaqueline Martins
- Gato Negro Ediciones
- GenderFail
- Ginger
- GirlStories
- Gloria Glitzer
- Gnomic Book
- Gold Rain
- Gost Books
- Gravel Projects
- Gregory R. Miller & Co.
- Half Letter Press
- Halifax INK
- Hardworking Goodlooking
- Harper’s Books
- Hassla
- Hat & Beard Press
- Hauser & Wirth Publishers
- Hesse Press
- Homie House Press
- Howard Greenberg Gallery
- Idea Books
- Image Text Ithaca
- Impractical Labor (ILSSA)
- Ink Cap Press
- Instantes Gráficos
- Interference Archive
- Inventory Press
- Irrelevant Press
- Issue Press
- J. S. Wright and U.D.L.I. Editions
- Jean Boîte Éditions
- Jiazazhi
- Jo Rosenthal & Friends
- Jungle Books
- Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative
- Kaph Books
- Karma
- Kayrock Screenprinting
- Knowledge Editions
- Knust Press
- Kodoji Press
- Komiyama Tokyo
- Kris Graves Projects
- La Chamba Press
- Lagon Revue
- Le Petit Versailles
- Letter16 Press
- Libraryman
- Lisson Gallery
- Little Big Man Books
- Little Mountain Press
- Loose Joints
- Lugemik
- Lévy Gorvy
- L’Artiere
- MATTE Magazine
- MIT Press
- Maamoul Press
- Mack
- Mamco
- Marcus Campbell Art Books
- Marian Goodman Gallery
- Martian Press
- Matthew Marks Gallery
- Mega Press/Panayiotis Terzis
- Memory Foam
- Miniature Garden
- Montez Press
- Mousse Publishing
- Mörel Books
- NYPL Picture Collection
- Naranja Publicaciones
- New Documents
- Nico Fontana
- Nieves
- Night Diver Press
- Nordic Art Press (NAP)
- Novia Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD)
- Onomatopee
- Ooga Booga
- Open Projects Press
- Optimo
- Oranbeg Press
- Other Forms
- Other Publishing
- Outer Space Press
- PHILE Magazine
- POP3
- PPP Editions
- Pace Gallery
- Pacific
- Palm* Studios
- Paper Chase Press
- Paper Crown Press
- Paper Machine
- Paper Monument
- Papertown, Nuts! & Dripper
- Passenger Pigeon Press
- Paul Zelevansky
- Pegacorn Press
- Peradam Press
- Perfectly Acceptable Press
- Perimeter Editions
- Petzel Gallery
- Pinups
- Pioneer Works Press
- Plum Press
- PogoBooks
- Point Line Projects
- Point of Contact
- Polygon Gallery
- Pomegranate Press
- Precog Magazine
- Press Press
- Primary Information
- Princeton Architectural Press
- PrintRoom
- Printed Matter, Inc. Rare & OP
- RE/Search and Search & Destroy
- ROMA Publications
- RRD - Red de Reproducción y Distribución
- RVB Books
- Rabbit Rabbit Press
- Rail Editions
- Raking Leaves
- Raw Meat Collective
- Research and Destroy New York City
- Robin N.
- Rorhof
- S U N
- SIlent Face Projects
- SPBH Editions
- Sammy Stein
- Seaton Street Press
- Secret Riso Club
- Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación Argentina
- Shelf Shelf
- Shelter Press
- Shifter Magazine
- Siam’s Guy Books
- Silent Sound
- Simple Project NY
- Sims Reed Ltd.
- Skinnerboox
- Sming Sming Books
- Snöar Press
- Soberscove Press
- Soft City
- Southern Type
- Space Sisters Press
- Spector Books
- Sternberg Press
- Sternthal Books
- Super Labo
- Sébastien Girard
- T&M Projects
- TBW Books
- TIS books
- TXTBooks
- Tan & Loose Press
- Temporary Services
- Terminal Ediciones
- Texte zur Kunst
- The Bettys
- The Free Black Women’s Library
- The Heavy Collective
- The Nice Magazine
- The Song Cave
- The White Review
- Three Fifty
- Three Star Books
- Tim Byers Art Books
- Tiny Splendor Press
- Tom of Finland Foundation
- Torpedo Press
- Tria Publishing Platform
- Triangle Books
- Trolley Books
- Ugly Duckling Presse
- Ulises
- United States (by state)
- Unity Press
- Unknown Unkowns
- Upon
- VSW Press
- Valiz
- Visual AIDS
- Void
- Water With Water
- Wendy’s Subway
- Werkplaats Typografie
- Westreich Wagner/Small Press
- White Columns
- Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art
- Witty Kiwi
- Wolfman Books
- Wonder
- World War 3 Illustrated
- Yale University Press
- Yes Press
- Yossi Milo
- Zatara Press
- Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
- Zucker Art Books
- blackprint edition
- bookdummypress
- crevasse
- dispersed holdings
- dmp editions
- frieze
- kurimanzutto libros & Alias
- n+1
- nos:books
- siglio
- the Eriskay Connection
- unbag
- Éditions B42
- Éditions Xavier Barral
- 本 \hon\ books
3122 editions by participating artists and publishers on edcat
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