Magazine Launch

Pavilionesque Newspaper


May. 26th, 6pm – 9pm, 2023

Pavilionesque Newspaper

Zusammen mit Studierenden des Master Fine Arts der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ist in einem Seminar von Paulina Olowska, Marie-France Rafael und Rabea Ridlhammer das Pavilionesque Newspaper entstanden.

Pavilionesque Newspaper has been made together with students of the Master Fine Arts of the Zürich University of the Arts during a seminar hosted by Paulina Olowska, Marie-France Rafael and Rabea Ridlhammer. At the launch of the newspaper some of the contributions will be performed and staged in situ at MATERIAL.

 Founded in 2015 by artist Paulina Olowska, the Pavilionesque magazine is a collaborative, performative and theatrical effort in the field of artistic publishing. In its search for unpublished materials connected to theatre, performance and puppeteering, Pavilionesque is an active archive of contemporary and dramatic arts. Previous issues have joyfully danced around themes such as the Miniscule, Puppets, Grotesque, Carnivalesque, Burlesque, Danse Macabre and Arabesque.

The 4th and latest issue of Pavilionesque takes shape in form of a Newspaper and taking its cue from this medium, features original artworks, horoscopes, travelreports and interviews.

It is co-produced by ZHdK and will be distributed for free.

Organizer MATERIAL
Curators Marie-France Rafael, Paulina Olowska, Rabea Ridlhammer
Address Klingenstrasse 23, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland