Participating Artists


THE READING ROOM - an informal writing workshop


May. 6th, 2pm – 5th, 3pm 2023

The Reading Room is an informal writing workshop organized by Rachel TonThat to gather a community of writers in Turich.

The workshop will loosely follow this structure:
- Arrival and introductions
- Workshop, where writers can optionally read their work and receive comments. You are also welcome to join but not share work every time.
- Open discussion around upcoming open calls and publication advice

Open to all writers, not matter your experience, and all forms of writing, though we ask you to keep it short (2 pages max.). Please bring a few copies of your work to pass put if you can. Though the discussion will be in English, we can also look at work in other languages, if you provide a bilingual version.

Organizer MATERIAL
Address Klingenstrasse 23, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

Participating Artists