image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

Printed mass media are, at least since the beginning of the 20th century, in the firing line of culture. If the fourth power as the ensemble of these media is often called has raised numerous controversies and much criticism, it is also regularly put to the service of diverse cultural protagonists. Friedrich Dürrenmatt, who developed an important visual oeuvre in parallel with his literary practice, touched upon journalistic questions, resisting the mediatization of images and information, pushing his engagement to the point of becoming co-editor of Sonntags-Journals. He is also an emblematic figure of the ambiguous relationship that media personalities have with magazines and daily papers. This publication explores different forms of subverting the media and other parasitic artistic strategies of which Dürrenmatt has done a lot more than sketch the outline

Art Theory

Am Rande der Sprache / A la limite de la langue

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2007
ISBN 978-3-905770-89-6, 978-3-905770-88-9
Language German, French
Format softcover
Dimensions 16.5 × 10.5 cm
Pages 64

last updated 2652 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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