image source: Onomatopee

Publisher Note

Raat’s works in this publication, have found new form resurfaced chairs as an ensemble bring individuality to their traces of mass-production, elements of residential doors as copper kick-plates, handles, and locks recompose to be read as paintings, mirrors are mysteriously darkened, metal-leafed frames, are suddenly supported by marble. Tangentially woven throughout is an adaptation of 1892’s The Real Thing, by American/British writer Henry James, which unravels alongside Raat’s objects, amplifying terse apexes they seek to expropriate–when their forms ceased conscious perception. Editors: Thomas Raat and Edwin van Gelder. Contributor: Maria Barnas

Art Theory

Archetypes And Residues

Release Date 2016
ISBN 978-94-91677-52-6
Format softcover
Dimensions 24.0 × 34.0 cm
Pages 112

last updated 2652 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

Created by edcat

Edited by edcat