Box, Cover, image source: Private

Work Description

best comes in pairs is a five-books-in-a-box intended to be an immortalization of lost memories and self discovery, yet also a eulogy of bygone days—and most of all, a love letter to the artist's late father. The book's central theme revolves around pairs; how her experiences parallel her father's, revealing hidden similarities and establishing their forgotten connection. Each book in the box represents a source of memory she has of him. Presented like a time capsule, the book symbolizes revisiting old memories and the closing of a chapter of her life.

Artists’ Book, Photobook

Best Comes in Pairs

by Tiffany Wong

Release Place Jakarta, Indonesia
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Writer: Tiffany Wong
Designer: Tiffany Wong
Artist: Tiffany Wong
Printrun 50
Original Price 35.00 EUR
Availability Available
Subform 5 Books In A Box
Style/Movement Book art
Genre/Content Form Time capsule
Topics Memories
Themes Melancholia, Love, Nostalgia
Methods Artists’ Writing, Film Photography
Language English
Work Creation Date 2023
Dimensions 16.0 × 22.0 × 5.0 cm
Pages 138
Technique Indigo Printing
Format Softcover
Binding Stitch binding
Pages 40
Binding Dos-a-dos book, perfect binding
Pages 48
Format Softcover
Pages 24
Format Translucent paper
Binding Perfect binding
Pages 20