image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

"Cellar Door" is a series of projetcs (installations, opera, book, etc.) which draws on Loris Gréaud’s interweaving interests in art, architecture, and music. One could say that Gréaud's practice is characterized by a desire to fuse different fields of knowledge and activity, in a manner which is both futuristic and utopian. His modus operandi is in fact comparable to that of cinematic production (involving collaboration and co-authorship), and he often works with experts from diverse disciplines (including architects and scientists). Gréaud's work is orientated to ideas and processes rather than finished form, and his projects are liable to manifest themselves in different ways over time, and to move between rumour and fact.

"Cellar Door" is an ambitious artistic experiment that has a range of manifestations. One was Gréaud's exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo, a second was an installation at the ICA in London, a third is an opera staged at the Paris Opera, and a fourth is a studio space that Gréaud is building for himself on the outskirts of Paris. The notion of an artist's studio is fundamental to "Cellar Door:" operating as a symbol of imagination and potential, and as the starting point of a perpetual cycle of activity.

This book documents the project in its entirety, and is accompanied by an extensive essay by Pascal Rousseau.

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2011
ISBN 978-3-03764-167-5
Writer: Pascal Rousseau
Artist: Loris Gréaud
Language Spanish, French, English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 22.5 × 32.8 cm
Pages 358

last updated 1126 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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