image source: Vice Versa, © condition H Press


Michael Hirschbichler, Isabella Kreim, Michael Kumpfmüller,
Chris Neuburger and Steffen Popp

Publisher Note

One of the main topics of Michael Hirschbichler’s work is the engagement with basic aspects of human life as it unfolds within ordering structures and planned and built spaces. Hereby the interplay between cultural, political, religious and scientific categorizations on the one hand, and their physical and spatial results on the other hand occupy a central position. In various media – such as sculpture, installation, photography, painting, drawing and text – Hirschbichler attempts to reveal diverse layers of contemporary reality by performing a ‘speculative-critical archaeology’. Michael Hirschbichler’s work cycle “Chiaroscuro” departs from the juxtaposition of bright and dark areas in Baroque painting and attempts an investigation of the categorization of our world into bright and dark, black and white, good and evil, poor and rich, beautiful and ugly etc. In doing so, ways of perception and aesthetical and moral categories are being challenged and our contemporary reality is subjected to a contrasty play of over- and underexposures.

With texts by Michael Hirschbichler, Isabella Kreim, Michael Kumpfmüller,
Chris Neuburger and Steffen Popp.

condition H Press in collaboration with Kunstverein Ingolstadt.

Release Place Munich, Germany
Release Date 2017
ISBN 9783981868616
Language English, German
Format Softcover, thread binding
Dimensions 19.0 × 25.9 cm
Pages 208

last updated 1122 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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