Cover, Copy from the Editors, image source:

Publisher Note

Contretemps is a project developed by visual artist Romeu Silveira during his residency at the Cité internationale des arts, in Paris (FR), between January and March 2020. The book is an inventory of events and images that collide and affect each other within a montage based on the overlapping of temporalities and senses. It is a visual diary produced in the tension of a world that was about to close and change completely because of the pandemic. It is a research that takes as a starting point the possibilities of translation of the word "contretemps", both in french and portuguese, to generate an experimental process that reveals itself in series of collages, photographic series, objects, sound installations, video performances, artist books and interventions in printed media. Contretemps is a printed open studio, it is the record of a moment and of a process, it is the extension of a space inside another space: that of a publication.

Release Place Brazil
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2021
Artist: Romeu Silveira
ISBN-13: 978-65-991687-2-7
Subform Artists' Project
Topics Collage, Montage, Visual Diary
Methods Digital Collage, Photography
Format Softcover
Binding Perfect Binding
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.0 × 2.0 cm
Pages 288, paginated
Color 4, cmyk
Material glossy coated paper
Technique Digital Offset