Front cover, Iphone photograph, image source: Multinational Enterprises

Publisher Note

With Covers, I had an idea to subvert the concept of the 1st edition by expanding the book as it progresses from edition to edition. The book basically looks the same, except that the cover stock color changes and the book grows thicker with each incarnation. In effect, the latest edition is always the most complete version of the project.

Eventually, the staple-bound book might have to be bound in a different way to accommodate for the added thickness but for now I still have staples long enough to go to at least a 4th and possibly a 5th edition.

On the inside, the book follows the same basic rules set up for the first edition:
Books must be actual size and fit on an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of xerox paper.
Book sequence must remain alphabetical and changes as the book grows. The random poetry between the book titles shifts in some pretty fun and wonderful ways.
The book will always begin with A Book of Quotations and end with YOUTH YOUTH YOUTH.
The book will always be printed in editions of 50. When those 50 books are gone, a new edition can be made.

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 4th edition
Release Date 2013
Artist: Ofer Wolberger
Printrun 50
Inscription signed
Topics Book Cover, Books On Books
Dimensions 22.0 × 28.0 cm

last updated 903 days ago

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