Cover, image source: Publisher

Work Description

“Do Po” is a book about a future city by Pavlo Makov. Originally a meditation on a futuristic hypothesis about the nation states ceding their importance to big cities in forthcoming decades, the book evolved to be an attempt to juxtapose (to confront or to reconcile) two different views of our habitat. On the one side, the general plan of the great city Do Po, separated into 64 unique sectors equal in area; on the other side, pages of a pocketbook in which Makov for several years drew plans of real and imaginary cities with free planning. In this book, sectors of the city and drawings from the notebook are converted to vector images, positioned on both sides of the opening, and intertwined with common routes. Having found themselves at the crossroads, readers get into the borderzone situation, which, according to Makov, defines the Place: presence between dream and reality. While only the select pages from Makov’s personal notebook were published, the map of the imaginary city Do Po has become an essential part of the eponymous book.


"The question is not how much your plan of the Place does not coincide with the existing plan of those who live in it, but to what extent these two plans can coincide at all"
Pavlo Makov

Publisher Note

In the book, sectors of the city and drawings from the artist's notebook are converted to vector images, positioned on both sides of the opening, and intertwined with common routes. The map of the imaginary city Do Po has become an essential part of the book

Edition 1st edition
Release Date June 2018
Writer: Borys Filonenko
Author: Pavlo Makov
Artist: Pavlo Makov
Printrun 1000
Inscription numbered, signed
Original Price 67.00 €
Topics City, Future, Maps, Urbanism
Methods Etching, Vector Drawing
Language English, Russian, Ukrainian
Work Creation Date 2018
Dimensions 20.0 × 25.0 × 1.2 cm
Pages 148
Color 1, black
Technique Offset

Web references

last updated 2382 days ago

Created by ist_publishing

Edited by ist_publishing, edcat