Front Cover

Publisher Note

Focusing on Italian contemporary artist Maurizio Nannucci’s practice, this book offers for the first time a comprehensive overview of his extraordinary creativity as publisher and producer of editions and multiples, as well as artists’ books, catalogues, prints, photographs, posters, records, and more. His field of research has expanded since the 1960s, exploring language and the intersection of disciplines such as linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, and architecture. With a plethora of images and archival documents, as well as critical essays, the origins of fundamental aspects of Nannucci’s artistic vision and his attitude to develop art as an open social project are detailed.

Artist Monograph, Art Theory

Maurizio Nannucci

ED/MN—Editions and Multiples 1967/2016

— Always Endeavor To Find Some Interesting Variation

edited by Emanuele De Donno, Maurizio Nannucci

Release Place Foligno, Italy
Release Date 2016
Printrun 1000
ISBN-13: 9788897753230
Subform Reference Book
Language English, Italian
Dimensions 25.0 × 17.0 cm
Weight 3,000 gram
Pages 416

1 institution has this

Artphilein Library

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