
Work Description

Garçon de Café is a photobook made of portraits and texts by Yves Drillet. The purpose of the book is to show young people in the uniform of their odd jobs. Each picture let to the worker a small place to stand as who he is despite the uniform. In a short story the author document a day in the life of those workers and how they manage to live with a occupation they have no aspiration for.


Garçon de Café

by Yves Drillet

Release Place Rennes, Bretagne, France
Release Date 1st March 2020
Author: Vanessa Pinto
Designer: Cécile Binjamin
Printer: Mediagraphic
Artist: Yves Drillet
Printrun 500
ISBN-13: 978-2-9572072-0-6
Original Price 23.00 EUR
Availability Available
Topics Odd Jobs
Themes Portraits, Social
Language French
Dimensions 16.5 × 24.0 cm
Pages 80
Technique Offset