Front Cover

Publisher Note

'Kitchen Table Series' is the first publication dedicated solely to this early and important body of work by the American artist Carrie Mae Weems. The 20 photographs and 14 text panels that make up the artwork tell a story of one woman’s life, as conducted in the intimate setting of her kitchen. The kitchen, one of the primary spaces of domesticity and the traditional domain of women, frames her story, revealing to us her relationships--with lovers, children, friends--and her own sense of self, in her varying projections of strength, vulnerability, aloofness, tenderness, and solitude. 'Kitchen Table Series' seeks to reposition and reimagine the possibility of women and the possibility of people of color, and has to do with, in the artist’s words “unrequited love.""

Artist Monograph

Carrie Mae Weems

Kitchen Table Series

edited by Michele Buda

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2016
Editor: Michele Buda
ISBN-13: 9788862084628
Topics Carrie Mae Weems, Cooking, Domestic Life, Intimacy, Kitchen, Woman
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Pages 86

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