Front Cover, image source: no libros

Publisher Note spanish

Fantastic stories, short or long - and the book has many of them (does it have many short and long stories? It is not quite understood) - that make Les jardins et la nuit go beyond the conventional form of a linear and traditional book. In its free and fragmented structure, it can be defined as a récit (this word I don't know what it means), since the main story, that of the blind man, is constantly cut by other stories that the wind brings to his ears.

Special mention in no Prêmio Internacional Plural, México, 1981 with 'A Noite do Curau'

Prize of Crítica da APCA - Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte, 1988 with 'Viagem a Andara'

Historias fantásticas, cortas o largas - y el libro tiene muchas de ellas (¿tiene muchas historias cortas y largas? No se acaba de entender) - que hacen que Les jardins et la nuit vaya más allá de la forma convencional de un libro lineal y tradicional. En su estructura libre y fragmentada, se puede definir como un récit (esta palabra no se qué quiere decir), ya que la historia principal, la del hombre ciego, está constantemente cortada por otros cuentos que el viento trae a sus oídos.

Poetry Book

Les jardins et la nuit

by Vicente Franz Cecim

Release Date 2019
Genre/Content Form Short Storiers, Poetry
Methods Writing
Language Spanish, French