Cover, image source: Edition Taube


boxed set of 10 leporellos. Numbered edition of 100, boxed set of 10 leporellos, 4c offset print

Publisher Note english german

Peter Strehle (*1979) tells fictional stories by assembling discarded polaroids from allover the US.

The Stuttgart based media artist indeed has a thing going for Polaroid pictures, which he randomly buys from household clearings, flea markets or ebay. He collects and hoards those lost private memories in order to find corresponding motives, odd moments or fascinating characters that he puts in context to make up new stories.

“Through fabricating story lines, Strehle succeeds in playing with visual fragments of memories. In appreciating this second-hand material, he not only reanimates it, but also recalls long forgotten situations and events. As the former owners may have lost their once visually fixed memories or do not need them anymore for reasons which are possibly as unknown as multifaceted, the viewers are left to fill them with fresh colour.

As a result, the stories, which are developed in our minds depending on our individual horizon, common sense and general attitude, are apart from the given hints, completely based on our own ideas or imagination. The stories function both as reflections and projections according to our personal handling of the past.” — Corinna Steimel

Peter Strehle (*1979) erzählt fiktive Geschichten, indem er ausrangierte Polaroids aus den gesamten USA zusammenstellt.

Der Stuttgarter Medienkünstler hat eine Vorliebe für Polaroid-Bilder, die er wahllos auf Haushaltsauflösungen, Flohmärkten oder bei ebay kauft. Er sammelt und hortet diese verlorenen privaten Erinnerungen, um entsprechende Motive, kuriose Momente oder faszinierende Charaktere zu finden, die er in einen Kontext setzt, um neue Geschichten zu erfinden.

Artists’ Book

Lost Stories

by Peter Strehle

Release Place Stuttgart, Germany
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2013
Artist: Peter Strehle
Printrun 100
Inscription numbered
Original Price 24.00 EUR
Format box with leporellos
Dimensions 9.5 × 11.5 cm
Pages 100
Color 4, CMYK
Technique Offset

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last updated 641 days ago

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Created by editiontaube

Edited by editiontaube, Lea