Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

Love, Raisul— is a dazed romance with the trip-and-fall-and-get-up-again vibe of adolescence. What will happen with these dog days of summer... With the murdering of black folks worldwide, the targeting at black existence, and the senseless ways in which we are meant to deal with two plagues at one time, What happens when the dust settles.. when the intergenerational resistance for equality overcomes euphoria? Maybe the only things that remain are memories of home, love, friendship and sisterhood.

Raisul Tintin is the youngest collaborator we have ever worked with. At 16yrs old, he is a published author. It is an honor and immense joy to cultivate space for the youth to be their fullest selves. We are grateful you are here and thankful for your support in purchasing and spreading the incredible work of this project.

Artists’ Book

Love, Raisul

by Raisul Tintin

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
Artist: Raisul Tintin
Dimensions 14.0 × 18.0 cm
Pages 84

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Web references

Homie House Press

last updated 1568 days ago

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