Front Cover, image source:

Publisher Note

The "Negative Space" project is a book made of photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and inverted. As "color negatives" of outer space (stars, solar systems, galaxies, nebulae, black holes, and exotic cosmic phenomena) it maps our universe in a book form. The book had been conceived by the artist in collaboration with graphic designer Conny Purtill, on the occasion of Thomson's exhibition at GAMEC, Bergamo.

The publication is part of the series of artists’ projects edited by Christoph Keller.

25.5 × 17.5 cm

Artists’ Book

Negative Space

by Mungo Thomson

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Release Date 2006
Artist: Mungo Thomson
Series Christoph Keller Editions
Dimensions 7.0 × 10.1 × 0.5 inch
Pages 160

last updated 403 days ago

Data Contributor: Christoph Schifferli

Created by edcat

Edited by Jan, edcat