
In collaboration with FLACC, Genk

Publisher Note

In words and images, Lodewijks documented a long term project in two neighbourhoods of Genk, Belgium, during the spring and summer of 2014. He describes the process of making chalk drawings in the public space and the encounters with the inhabitants of the neigbourhoods and the housing company that owns the housing projects. Text in Dutch and English.

Artists’ Book, Artist Monograph

Nieuw Texas / Klein Chicago

by Bart Lodewijks

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2016
Designer: Roger Willems
Artist: Bart Lodewijks
ISBN-13: 9789491843617
Original Price 15.42 EUR
Dimensions 20.0 × 28.0 cm
Pages 88

last updated 1750 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma