image source: publisher


Street Exhibition, 23.6.2020, 81 Quai de Valmy, Paris

Publisher Note

Une pellicule
One roll of film
Seize Sixteen Photographs
One hour Une heure
Un One Kilometer
Une Image One Frame.

During Paris lockdown, 16 photograhers shared one roll of film, connecting from neighborhood to neighborhood, in frame of one hour and one kilometer freezing one frame.
April/Mai 2020, Paris
In order of passing film:
Benjamin Deberdt, George Booth Cole, JB Gurliat, Yedihael Canal, Greg Dezecot, Louis Perruchaud, Clement Chouleur, Bertrand Trichet, Clement Harpillard, Scott H. Bourne, Thomas Busuttil, Sergej Vutuc, Mathieu Mathon, Oliver Tavu Ente, Pierre Tedjaman, Ludovic Azemar, Atelier Publimod
JB Gurliat, Greg Dezecot, George Booth Cole, Scott H. Bourne, Clement Chouleur, Mathieu Mathon

Web references

Sergej Vutuc

last updated 1393 days ago

Created by SergejVutuc

Edited by SergejVutuc, edcat_editor