image source: Onomatopee

Publisher Note

Artist Marleen Sleeuwits, known for her photography, objects and installations, takes this experimental book to propose a four-tiered representation of space starting with two-dimensional images of space, that are then placed in a scale model, to the photos taken inside this model and, finally, to their convergence in this book. The spaces could be anything from a museum to a lobby or a passageway locations we know as places for contemplation, for waiting or for movement. The condition of the spaces’ bare walls is hard and sober, offering little support the space you see in front of you and the space outside your field of view, foreground and background, seem to be absorbed in a timeless vacuum.

Artist Monograph

Marleen Sleeuwits

On The Soft Edge Of Space

Release Date 2016
ISBN 978-94-91677-51-9
Language English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 24.0 × 31.3 cm
Pages 272

last updated 1568 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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