
Stencil printed on an A2 Riso in Blue and Bright Red on 120 grs Eos 2.0

Publisher Note

The image centers around a 1,640-word exploration of Heraclitus’ concept of Panta Rhei—the idea that everything is in a state of constant flux. These words, generated by AI, have been meticulously arranged into a typographically perfect square, creating a visual and intellectual structure that embodies the philosophical principle itself.

In this composition, every other line is designed to be easily readable, while the alternate lines are intentionally made difficult to decipher. This deliberate contrast serves a dual purpose. On the one hand, it reflects the inherent tension in Panta Rhei, where clarity and obscurity coexist, much like the constant ebb and flow of change. On the other hand, it forces the reader into an active engagement with the text. The smooth flow of reading is disrupted, compelling the reader to slow down, reflect, and wrestle with the meaning—much as one must grapple with the ever-changing nature of reality itself.

The interplay between the readable and the challenging lines is not merely an aesthetic choice but a philosophical statement. It mirrors Heraclitus’ belief that understanding comes not from passive reception but through active contemplation and the struggle to grasp the fleeting nature of truth. Just as Panta Rhei suggests that we can never step into the same river twice, the text resists a straightforward reading, urging the reader to acknowledge the fluidity of meaning and the necessity of reflection in the pursuit of knowledge.

In this way, the work transcends its form, becoming not just a piece of text but an experience that embodies the very essence of Heraclitus’ philosophy, inviting the reader to engage with the concept of perpetual change in a deeply personal and thoughtful manner.

Publisher self-published
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2024
Artist: Jo Frenken
Printrun 25
Inscription numbered, signed
Availability Available
Subform Art Print
Methods Risograph Print
Dimensions 40.0 × 40.0 cm
Pages 2
Technique Risograph