image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

Pierre-Philippe Hofmann (° 1976, BE) develops his research mainly through photography. During his studies with Gilbert Fastenaekens, Hofmann was marked by documentary photography. Mainly active in Switzerland since 2012, his recent project Portrait d'un paysage (10 walks through Switzerland, 2,700 km - 2,700 videos) has been presented on several occasions in the form of personal exhibitions (Ferme Asile- Sion, S AM Basel, Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, Bruder Klaus Museum Sachseln). In Belgium, Pierre-Philippe Hofmann presented his project Lieux Communs- Gemeenplaatsen at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, at the CIVA and at the Galerie Nadja Vilenne (Liège). The Portrait of a Landscape project is represented in this monograph with refreshing comments by the artist himself as well as in-depth texts by Raphaël Brunner, Anne-Françoise Lesuisse and Urs Stahel.

Artist Monograph

Pierre-Philippe Hofmann

Portrait d’un Paysage / Porträt einer Landschaft

— Tentative Suisse / Ein Schweizer Versuch

Release Place Ghent, Belgium
Edition 1st edition
ISBN-13: 978-94-6393-259-2
Availability Available
Language German, French
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 20.5 × 29.0 cm
Pages 424

last updated 1240 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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