Publisher Note

Queer Zines, the catalogue, collects the variegated practices of zine makers past and present, from North America and Europe, and lists them alphabetically, starting with Toronto’s 88 Chins and ending with the Dean Sameshima zine Young Men at Play. In a riotous assemblage of more than 200 pages, we find comprehensive bibliographies and sinful synopses for more than 120 zines by Alex Gartenfeld, excerpted illustrations and writings by zine makers, reprints of important articles in and about queer zines, a directory of important zine archives, and a list of zine outlets around the world. It also includes a 1980 interview with Boyd McDonald by Vince Aletti, Bimbox’s pop-up genitalia (alas, not popping up here), Adam Block’s early writings on zines from the Advocate, a “Where are They Now?” section that charts the careers of various queer zine pioneers, and excerpted interviews with GB Jones, Vaginal Davis, and Bruce LaBruce.

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2008
Printrun 2000
Subform Book On Artists’ Books, Reference Book