
Publisher Note

This publication and exhibition it accompanies take a fresh look at the arte povera movement rarely associated with photographic and filmic media. They invite the viewer to "reverse the eye" through this unprecedented view of the artistic movement by also placing it in the social and political context of the time in Italy. The result of extensive research in artists' studios and private and public collections, the book reveals the extraordinary richness of a period when Italian artists were among the most important interpreters of the transformation of visual languages.


Reversing the Eye

— Arte Povera and Beyond 1960-1975. Photography, Film, Video

by Various Authors

Release Place Paris, France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Writer: Various Authors
Artist: Various Authors
ISBN-13: 9782365113403
Subform Exhibition Catalogue
Topics Archive, Italian Art
Methods Photography
Language English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 21.5 × 23.0 cm
Pages 420
Technique Offset