image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

Video art either generate its own space of projection, or play with existing space. Sometimes, the works use a projection screen that technology thinks of more and more as a both constructive and decorative wall in a private interior. Thus the screen takes the place of a painting or the large-format photography that suceeded it. Works by Nam June Paik, Annika Larson, Shirin Neshat, Kader Attia, and Yoshua Okon, among others, illustrate this evolution.

Exhibition Catalogue

Review: Films & Videos Collection Pierre Huber

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2006
ISBN 978-2-940271-79-5
Language French, English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 33.0 × 25.0 cm
Pages 96

last updated 1225 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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Edited by edcat