Front (Cover), Iphone photograph, image source: Multinational Enterprises


The book and the photo exhibition "Skeive ikoner" (queer icons) by photographer Fin Serck-Hanssen and authors Bjørn Hatterud and Caroline Ugelstad Elnæs wishes to honour and illuminate the work and the life stories of some chosen queer icons through photos and interviews. The goal of the project is to draw lines between the trailblazing work for rights, liberation and equality that the icons have been doing for decades, and the work being done today for a more inclusive society. Interviews and texts in norwegian language.

Release Place Oslo, Norway
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Editor: Bente Riise
Designer: Den Luca
ISBN-13: 9788284340814
Subform Exhibition Catalogue, Reference Book
Topics Queer Culture
Methods Interviews, Photograhy
Dimensions 21.0 × 27.0 cm
Pages 285

last updated 562 days ago

Created by Recent_Works

Edited by Recent_Works