image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

"Some Scenic Views"—the title of Philipp Lachenmann's first monograph—reflects his work's camouflage strategy. Presenting 80 photographs of unspectacular views, the book reveals the process of hiding complex meaning behind a surface of normalcy. With a series of short texts, Russell Fergusson brings to the fore those hidden facts of historical, political, natural, or scientific nature. He thus reveals Lachenmann's photographs for what they truly are: conceptual artworks. This book inscribes itself in the German artist's body of works as a kind of picture novel rather than a monograph.

Release Place Switzerland
ISBN 978-3-03764-131-6
Language German, English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 30.2 × 21.5 cm
Pages 160

last updated 1712 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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