
Publisher Note

"Sotto la tenda di Abramo /Under the tent of Abraham" tells of the possible and necessary dialogue between religions and men through the community experience of the ancient Syrian Antiochian monastery of Deir Mar Musa el-Habasci (San Mosè the Abyssinian), a place of hospitality and interreligious exchange between Catholic and Muslim, clinging to the mountains of Syria.

The monks photographed by Ivo Saglietti are men and women from different churches and different countries who daily experience the difficulties and the richness of diversity, demonstrating that God is one and that we can live together in his faith, regardless of the religion one professes. The intense black and white of this work, which documents the life of the community in its daily life from the inside, well represents the contrast of lights and shadows of two worlds in perennial ideological conflict, which in the enclave of Deir Mar Musa el-Habasci find instead a place for dialogue and constructive confrontation.


Sotto la tenda di Abramo

— Deir Mar Musa el-Habasci

by Ivo Saglietti

Release Place Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2004
Artist: Ivo Saglietti
ISBN-13: 978-8885121928
Language Arabic, Italian
Dimensions 21.5 × 29.5 cm
Pages 90