
In collaboration with The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh / S.M.A.K. Ghent

Publisher Note

Italian artist Massimo Bartolini is mainly known for his installations, however he also works in video and photography. This book is published to accompany two complementary and overlapping exhibitions, in Edinburgh and Ghent. The focus is on a selection of smaller, sculptural objects, in addition to a pair of large, site-specific installation works. Besides a large amount of full-colour plates, an interview by Fiona Bradley and Philippe Van Cauteren lends insight into Bartolini s artistic process and perspective. Text in English. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 89 8 Links: /

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2013
ISBN-13: 978 90 77459 89 8
Original Price 25.71 EUR
Availability Available
Dimensions 17.0 × 24.0 cm
Pages 160

last updated 1796 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma