Front Cover

Publisher Note

- Why did you take pictures of icebergs?
- Because they were there.
Terranova is a book which compilates a series of pictures of icebergs made by the naval mechanic José Fernández Pousada (Pontevedra 1925), who, aged 17, moved to the port of Pasajes (Gipuzkoa) in search of work. Thanks to Eneka Fernández for letting me design this beautiful project that not only speaks of the "spontaneous" artistic expression of her "aita" (father in basque), but also of the life of the men who worked on the high seas and the families that waited in port.

Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2016
Printrun 200
ISBN-13: 9788469770023
Topics Gipuzkoa, Icebergs
Methods Photography
Language Spanish
Format Paperback
Pages 52

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