
(48 + 16 pages) In collaboration with Le Musée de Bagnes, Le Châble / Fotomuseum Winterthur

Publisher Note

Published to coincide with exhibitions at the Mauvoisin Dam, the Museum of Bagnes in Le Châble, and Fotomuseum Winterthur. 'The Grand Tour is a travelogue through the world of maps' is Kasia Klimpel s description of her virtual travel images. Klimpel smuggles her own photographic yet fictional model landscapes which she produces through the traditional means of paper and light into the operating systems and web sharing sites of global search engines. In doing so, she plays with the unpredictability of algorithms. When and under what conditions are her staged images of horizons, mountain panoramas and sunsets inserted into these systems as geotags? Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 9789491843365

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2015
Designer: Roger Willems
Artist: Kasia Klimpel
ISBN-13: 9789491843365
Original Price 22.62 EUR
Dimensions 24.0 × 30.0 cm
Pages 48

last updated 1131 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma