Publisher Note
The Migrant tells the turbulent life story of the Javan Mynah. A member of the starling family, the bird is originally from Java (Indonesia) and was introduced to Singapore in the early 20th century through the songbird trade. Today, he is reviled, persecuted and even killed. It is a story about one bird, but at the same time it addresses broader themes such as the complex relationship between humans and animals, the consequences of rapid urbanization and the position of the unwanted outsider.
The book is designed by Teun van der Heijden. It contains silk screen prints, illustrations by renowned Singaporean cartoonist Sonny Liew and a handmade pop-up by artist Moon Brouwer. The book is a work of art in itself that can be used to share the story of the Javan Mynah with others. .
Publisher | self-published |
Release Date | 2017 |
Credits |
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Work | |
Topics | Migrants, Migration |
Methods | Photography |
Language | English |
Object | |
Format | Hardcover |
Interior | |
Pages | 120 |
last updated 1754 days ago
Data Contributor: Artphilein Library
Created by ArtphileinLibrary
Edited by ArtphileinLibrary, edcat