Publisher Note

Kopelman described five projects dealing intensively with research, traveling, observing, and drawing. Her descriptions and work notes give insight in Kopelman's relation to sience and point at the distinction between what one knows and what one sees. More than showing results she shares a mental process evolving in every project. In Meditation Piece she draws a tiny desert stone for a month on a daily base. Halfway she notes: 'And still, I like spending time in front of the stone, in front of a problem that repeats itself every day. It's a familiar feeling, and therefor gentle to the mind. How will I go about today? The stone is the same; I am most probably not.' The text has been adapted from her doctoral dissertation, defended in September 2011. Text edited by Moosje Goossen. Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 88 1

Artists’ Book

The Molyneux Problem

by Irene Kopelman

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2012
Designer: Roger Willems
Artist: Irene Kopelman
Printrun 750
ISBN-13: 978 90 77459 88 1
Original Price 18.00 EUR
Availability Available
Dimensions 16.5 × 23.5 cm
Pages 144