image source: Vice Versa, © Loose Joints

Publisher Note

Towers of Thanks by Res is a photographic sequence that engages with their mother's involvement in the Trump Organization. Barbara Res was the manager of construction on Trump Tower and executive Vice President of the Trump Organization for nearly 20 years, but in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential elections developed an oppositional and public stance against Trump and his candidacy. Towers of Thanks taps into the superficial, jarring aspects of Trump's legacy and language - we see his words move from those of effervescent praise to pithy, 140-character condemnation - and looks at how that legacy influenced their family, describing the uncomfortable shifts between political and personal narratives.

The resulting sequence of photographs blends archival imagery of the Trump Organization with Res' photographic intepretations of their mother, of Trump Tower, and of the ways in which photography contributes to myths of power and success.

Res (b. 1985, Paterson, New Jersey) received their BA in Sociology and Studio Art at Smith College and their MFA in Photography at Yale School of Art. They have exhibited work throughout the United States including at Danziger Gallery, New York; Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles; and Casemore Kirkeby, San Francisco. Their work has appeared in Vice Magazine, Girls Like Us, Newspaper and MATTE Magazine. In 2017 they were a winner of the Baxter Street Camera Club of New York Annual Juried Exhibition. Res currently lives and works in New York, NY.

Artists’ Book

Towers of Thanks

Release Date 2017
ISBN 9780993430398
Subform Photography
Language English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 21.0 × 26.0 cm
Weight 139 gram

last updated 2528 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

Created by edcat

Edited by edcat