image source: Vice Versa, © Mousse Publishing

Publisher Note

With his installations, Ugo Rondinone creates personal dreamscapes. In his retrospective exhibition at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, the artist presented Vocabulary of Solitude, an arrangement of his works inspired by the color spectrum. Clowns, clocks, candles, shoes, windows, light bulbs and rainbows: they are recognizable images that speak to all of us. These symbols excite free-association and memories. The forty-five clowns with their different postures represent activities of everyday life, at the same time expressing the anguish of human solitude: be, breathe, sleep, dream, wake, rise, sit, hear, look, think, stand, walk, pee, shower, dress, drink, fart, shit, read, laugh, cook, smell, taste, eat, clean, write, daydream, remember, cry, nap, touch, feel, moan, enjoy, float, love, hope, wish, sing, dance, fall, curse, yawn, undress, lie. This is the first of a four-chapter publication series by Ugo Rondinone.

Exhibition Catalogue, Art Book

Ugo Rondinone: Vocabulary of Solitude

Sjarel Ex, Roos Van der Lint

Release Date 2017
ISBN 978-88-6749-264-0
Language English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 24.0 × 31.0 cm
Pages 80

last updated 2469 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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