image source: Sternberg Press

Publisher Note

The Lettrist movement is unique in the history of avant-garde formations. Founded by Isidore Isou in Paris immediately after World War II, it remains active to this day, having lost none of its radicalism, either aesthetic or ethical. In this book, Nicole Brenez presents the key figures and the basic concepts of Lettrist cinema, the art form within which their formal innovations proved the most far-reaching, prefiguring the breakthroughs of the nouvelle vague and the experiments of expanded cinema.

Art Theory

“We Support Everything since the Dawn of Time That Has Struggled and Still Struggles”

by Nicole Brenez

Release Place Stockholm, Sweden
Berlin, Germany
Release Date 2014
Author: Nicole Brenez
ISBN-13: 978-3-95679-106-2
Topics Cinema, Lettrism, Lettrist Cinema, Nouvelle Vague
Dimensions 9.5 × 14.8 cm
Pages 72

last updated 1520 days ago

Created by MATERIAL

Edited by MATERIAL, edcat