
Publisher Note

In his series "Westward the Course of Empire" (1994–2008), Mark Ruwedel documents the physical traces of abandoned or never completed railroads throughout the American and Canadian West.
Built since 1869 in the name of progress, these now defunct rail lines are marked by visible alterations to the landscape.

Ruwedel catalogues eroding cuts, disconnected wooden trestles, decaying tunnels, and lonely water towers in quietly powerful images that point to the contest between technology and the natural world. Using a large-format view camera, Ruwedel treads the same territory as nineteenth century survey photographers, but his contemporary perspective brings a sense of loss to landscapes once viewed as exploitable resources.



— The Course of Empire

by Mark Ruwedel

Release Place United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2008
Artist: Mark Ruwedel
ISBN-13: 9780300141344
Language English
Format hardcover clothbound with tipped-in image
Dimensions 36.0 × 29.0 cm
Pages 180