Front Cover, image source: ROMA Publications


In collaboration with Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp

Publisher Note

The downfall of the world is probably one of the oldest human conceptions. Representations of the End are often embedded in religious narratives predicting an apocalyptic end in which only the righteous will survive the final judgment. Since the end of the Second World War, a major shift occurred. The apocalypse is no longer a punishment of the gods or of God, but it is man himself who has gained the expertise to exterminate himself. This book is the final piece of a practice based Ph.D research in the arts, conducted at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, in collaboration with the University of Antwerp. Edition: 700

Artists’ Book

World Without Us

by Geert Goiris

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2019
Designer: Roger Willems
Artist: Geert Goiris
ISBN-13: 9789492811578
Original Price 49.50 EUR
Dimensions 21.3 × 25.5 cm
Pages 172

last updated 1512 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma