
Publisher Note

Turkey’s best-known photographer, Ara Güler (1928–2018), depicted daily life in Turkey for three-quarters of a century. Güler captured the rough edges of Istanbul as well as all its splendour. Celebrated as ‘The Eye of Istanbul’, his poignant black-and-white images of his beloved city’s inhabitants, streets and docks remain his most celebrated works. But Ara Güler was far more than that. He created reportage photography all over the world, including in Somalia, Eritrea and Afghanistan. He photographed celebrities such as Alfred Hitchcock, Salvador Dalí, Maria Callas and Sophia Loren. His versatility can also be seen in experimental collages from the early part of his career and in more recent work when he plays with light and colour.

Being a testament to Turkey’s rich history, A Play of Light and Shadow offers a contemporary view of Güler’s work while also providing the opportunity to explore iconic and unknown parts of it.


A Play of Light and Shadow

by Ara Güler

Release Place Veurne, Belgium
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Artist: Ara Güler
ISBN-13: 978 94 6466 629 8
Subform Photobook
Topics Artist Monograph
Methods Photography
Language English
Format hardcover
Dimensions 21.0 × 28.0 cm
Pages 208