
In collaboration with Kunstverein München

Publisher Note

The ninth in the Companion series, this 224-page publication contains the theoretical grounding for A rock that keeps tigers away - a group exhibition at Kunstverein München, with work by Beth Collar, Tania Pérez Córdova, Jason Dodge, Laura Kaminskait, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Francesco Pedraglio, Adrien Tirtiaux, Freek Wambacq, and Herwig Weiser. The publication contains texts (in either German or English) by Claudia Blum, Heinz von Foerster, Sigfried Großmann, Katrine Dybbroe Møller, Timothy Morton, Francesco Pedraglio, Edgar Allen Poe, Steven Shaviro, Julian Sigmund, and Doug Zongker, which wrap an extensive interview with the exhibition's main curator Post Brothers, conducted by the Kunstverein's director Chris Fitzpatrick, and with contributions from the publication's co-editor Hasan Veseli (in English and German). A collection of quotes from comedians, writers, and philosophers, transcriptions from episodes of the television programs, Sesame Street, The Simpsons, and The West Wing, a charting of the development of the 'Chicken or the Egg' debate in popular media, and artistic interventions by Beth Collar, Laura Kaminskait, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Gianni Motti, Julie Peeters, Tyler Vigen, and Freek Wambacq are also contained in the publication. Co-edited by Post Brothers and Hasan Veseli, with Chris Fitzpatrick and Julie Peeters. Designed by Julie Peeters.Link:

Art Theory

A rock that keeps tigers away

edited by Post Brothers, Chris Fitzpatrick, Hasan Veseli

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2017
Designer: Julie Peeters
ISBN-13: 9789491843969
Original Price 18.51 EUR
Dimensions 12.0 × 17.0 cm
Pages 224

last updated 1716 days ago

Data Contributor: ROMA Publications

Created by Roma

Edited by edcat, Roma