Front Cover

Publisher Note

"My art is about making Journeys, mostly to experience different landscapes by walking through them. On this walk, across the country I was born in, I also carried a different stone along in my pocket each day, a traveling sculpture called Walking Stones."--Richard Long. Richard Long belongs to a generation of artists who from the mid-sixties helped to redefine the boundaries of art practice. By making his work simply by walking in the landscape, he brought a great increase in scale and space, as well as rich conceptual potential, to a work of art. He also found the freedom to make sculptures along the way in the different land surfaces that cover the planet.

Artists’ Book

A Walk Across England

by Richard Long

Release Place Hong Kong, China
London, United Kingdom
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 1997
Artist: Richard Long
Printrun 1000
ISBN-13: 9780500279762
Topics England, Europe, Landscape
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Paperback