image source: JRP | Ringier


Design: Aude Lehmann & Lex Trüeb
Text by: Bice Curiger, Klaus Theweleit, Philip Ursprung

Publisher Note

"Album" is a deliberately unrepresentative compilation of genre-hopping textual and visual material, placed in orbit around the work of the Swiss artists Urs Fischer (*1973), Yves Netzhammer (*1970), Ugo Rondinone (*1962), and Christine Streuli (*1975). The book includes specially commissioned critical texts, conversations, reports, and visual essays that, in a sometimes straight and sometimes vague manner, address the larger issues implied in the works of the artists, such as notions of time, the animal and the human, shock, and materiality.

With a similarly eclectic mix of historical analysis, literary tableau, and art-world journalism the book imagines a psycho-geography of Switzerland, from its Alps to its art-filled bunkers. Sensitive to its context, informative and discursive, rather than promotional, the book is rounded off with a survey on the future of biennials in relation to the present-day "fair mania" and a selection of the critic's views on the disparate practices of the four artists.

Art Theory

Album, On/Around the Work of Urs Fischer, Yves Netzhammer, Ugo Rondinone, and Christine Streuli

by Daniel Kurjakovic

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2007
ISBN 978-3-905770-70-4
Subform Catalog
Language English
Format softcover
Dimensions 22.5 × 15.0 cm
Pages 326

last updated 443 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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