Work Description

How Time Has Influenced Architecture

Publisher Note

Criminal Architectures examines, in images, how crime has influenced architecture, disfigured the landscape and substantially modified aspects of people’s lives. Through Adelaide Di Nunzio's strong and decisive visual language, the project reflects on this influence, showing how structures and faces represent two sides of the same coin.
Criminal Architectures zooms in on four regions of Southern Italy: Campania with the villas and pools of the houses of the Camorra; the great Calabria, dominated by unfinished public and private buildings; Puglia with a myriad of abandoned factories and finally Sicily, with hundreds of mafia buildings confiscated by the state authorities.
Criminal Architectures is also a book about the people who have suffered the effects of crime on their lives. Along with the architecture and landscapes of the region, this is a book of the faces of Southern Italy; faces which tell the same story, evoking an atmosphere of anger and abandonment. Like landscapes, people are also destined for an eternal “unfinished”.

Artists’ Book

Architetture Criminali

by Adelaide Di Nunzio

Release Place Livorno, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2020
Subform Photobook
Topics Architecture, Time
Methods Photography
Language English, Italian
Dimensions 16.5 × 24.0 × 1.5 cm
Pages 128
Technique Offset

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Artphilein Library

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