Front Cover, image source: Phaidon


Entries by Jeffrey Kastner & Claire Lehmann; interviews with Tauba Auerbach, Paul Chan, and Walther König, and in-depth essays by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh and Lynda Morris.

Publisher Note

A vital survey of 32 internationally recognized artists who make books as part of their creative practice - features 500 images of these rarely seen works.

The 'artist's book' has long been an important form of expression, and Artists Who Make Books showcases 32 internationally recognized artists who have integrated book production into their larger creative practice. This volume features a selection of books — many rarely seen — by every artist included, an accompanying text providing further context, and over 500 illustrations of covers and interior spreads. Insightful interviews with Tauba Auerbach, Paul Chan, and Walther König, and in-depth essays by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh and Lynda Morris round out this illuminating survey.

Release Place London, United Kingdom
Release Date 2017
Artist: Various Artists
ISBN-13: 9780714872643
Subform Reference Book
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 25.4 × 30.5 cm
Pages 336

last updated 1711 days ago

Data Contributor: Artphilein Library, Christoph Schifferli

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