image source: JRP | Ringier

Publisher Note

"Atlas of Transformation," with its almost 800, is a sort of global guidebook of transformation processes. With structured entries, its goal is to create a tool for the intellectual grasping of the processes of social and political change in countries that call themselves "countries of transformation" (or are described by this term). The "Atlas of Transformation" contains more than 200 'entries' and key terms of transformation. Several dozen authors from the whole world contributed to this book and also some influential period texts are republished here.

Seventh volume of the "Tranzit" series edited by Vit Havranek and focusing on Central and Eastern European artists.

Awarded in the competition "The most beautiful Swiss books 2010."

Art Theory

Atlas of Transformation

Release Place Switzerland
Release Date 2010
ISBN 978-3-03764-147-7
Language English
Format softcover
Dimensions 22.0 × 16.0 cm
Pages 724

last updated 2631 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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